Monday 9 December 2013

Linux Mint 13 Maya RC Released

Linux is a Open source Operating System. Linux was originally developed as a free operating system. Now LinuxMint available in two editions, Linux Mint 13 features the choice between a productive, stable and mature MATE 1.2 desktop and the brand new modern-looking and exciting Cinnamon 1.4. These two desktops are among the best available, they’re perfectly integrated within Linux Mint and represent great alternatives to Gnome 2 users. Linux Mint 13 is also an LTS (Long Term Support) release and it will be supported until April 2017.
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Features of LinuxMint 13 Maya:

Desktop icons in Gnome and Cinnamon

The names of the desktop icons are now configurable. By default they're called "Computer" and "Home" and are not localized. You can change them as follows:
  • gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.desktop computer-icon-name "MyComputer"
  • gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.desktop home-icon-name "MyHome"
LinuxMint Mate

Black splash screen

In Linux Mint the boot splash screen is completely black. This is by design. Once the system is installed the boot sequence is relatively fast. The black loading sequence doesn't look out of place and it looks consistent across all computers, whatever driver you're using. If you'd rather get a splash screen you can select one by typing the following command and selecting mint-logo:
  • sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth

    CD images

    If you install Linux Mint from the CD, you're missing some applications and the multimedia codecs. You can install the missing applications by clicking on "Upgrade to the DVD edition" in the welcome screen or in "Menu->Administration". And you can install the missing codecs by clicking on "Install Multimedia Codecs" in the welcome screen or in "Menu->Sound and Video".

    LinuxMint Cinnamon


    OEM installation images

    If you're planning to pre-install Linux Mint for your customers and you're looking for OEM installation images please contact the Linux Mint team.

    Local repository and GnomePPP

    GnomePPP is not installed by default but it is present within the default installation of Linux Mint. Your Linux Mint system comes with a local repository which is disabled by default. You can enable it by removing the comment sign "#" in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/local-repository.list and refreshing your APT cache. This repository contains GnomePPP as well as a collection of drivers.

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