Thursday 20 February 2014

Revo Uninstaller: all installations will bow in fear.

Don't get me wrong, Window's uninstaller is ok, andCCleaner's uninstaller is even better, but it still lacks something. That something is Revo Uninstaller.

Here are a few key features it has:

-Comprehensive installation list: I've gone through a few uninstallers, and I have to say, Revo brings up most of them, if not all. I do have to complain though, it does take a while to update the list for a large amount of installations.

-Hunter Mode: As if uninstalling wasn't enough, Revo adds "Hunter Mode" which is essentially a target that can be dragged onto a shortcut or a running application, and then you can uninstall that application. This will sometimes work if the application doesn't happen to show up in the list. But then, other times it won't. So it's a nice feature anyway.

-Autorun Manager: Yup, this too. This program actually live monitors and alerts you when something is added or changed from the startup list. It actually gives a little more functionality than CCleaner, as you can actually click "Go To Location and zoom to that place in the registry.

-Junk Files Cleaner: Kinda like CCleaner, but not as good, in my opinion. I haven't used it as much, but it actually looks like it searches for differnet types of files than CCleaner. I just now, literally, learned that it also has an option to delete cookies, cache, etc of IE, Firefox, Opera, and Netscape, and other things like Microsoft office cleaner, and more things like I listed in CCleaner. Just my preference, but I'll stick with CCleaner.

-Secure Deletion: Again, just learned about it, but apparently, it has an option for secure deletion of files and folders. Never used it, so I can't say anything at this point.

-System Restore before uninstall: Perhaps my favorite feature; if you're into system restore, you'll probably love it too. What if you uninstall something, and you change your mind? You'll have a restore point to go back to. Also, it provides a bunch of system restores to go back to in case something else goes awry, since I'm not normally thinking about planning ahead for disaster....

-Scans for leftovers:My other favorite part. Almost every -EVERY- uninstall I've run, there are at least 4 leftover registry items. Revo finds those. True, this is kinda what CCleaner does, but Revo searches for Start Menu and does a better job, in my opinion.

-Google integration: Maybe a bad term for it, but I love that right clicking, it says "Search Google For:" and then the program or the company or what have you. Makes it easy if I don't know what something is.

It's alot of stuff packed into an uninstaller. The only thing I can't figure out is what the different modes are. Built-in runs only the normal uninstaller, but Safe, Moderate, and Advanced confuse me. But I suppose it's all about preference....I usually just use Moderate.

Disk: Not to be confused with Apple's software...

i.Disk is a small utility that can tell you how your disk space is divided. According to the developer's site, it "scans directory trees and displays the total space used by each directory in an easy to use form." It's basically skin and bones, nothin' fancy, just shows you what you need to know. Here's a few pluses:

-Colored sublevels: each sublevel's is a different color, so it's easy to tell what level the folder is at.

-Copy and Paste: Easy copy and paste, within seconds, the entire tree, even the expanded subfolders. Very nice if you are on the go.

-"Browse": Nice, of course. You are able to open a folder straight from i.Disk.

-"Replicate"?: Apparently it has some feature called "Replicate," which is really like a folder syncronizer. You pick two folders and have the options such as "Replicate all files/folders from A to B" or vise versa, "Process subfolders," and "Include..." and "Exclude..." as well.

-Portable; You can either run the installer, copy the files, then uninstall it, or just use the Universal Extractor.

Here's a few things that I don't like about it though:

-No "Now Searching" dialouge": When it searches, i.Disk doesn't really tell you when it starts or finishs. The only way to tell is if the "Stop" button is lit up, and the "Open" and "Refresh" buttons are dimmed. It would be nice to have just a little text that says "Searching..." or something somewhere, but you get used to it.

-Doesn't show files: In the list, it doesn't show files, only folders. Other programs have this, such as WinDirStat.

Otherwise, it's an awesome little program. It's lighter than programs like WinDirStat, so if you don't need all the graphical interface or smoothness, you can use i.Disk and save on memory and space. The install is only 470kb with the installer, 439kb without, so it's very compact and ready to go.

Audacity: The bravest audio editor around.

It's a sad life, living off Window's Sound Recorder. Enter Audacity. Audacity is an open source, cross platform audio editor.

It's hard to capture this program in one blog post, but let me just say: it's terrific. If you want to cut a track for ringtones, Audacity can do it. If you want to cut the first 5 seconds out of that song for your iPod, Audacity can do it. You can generate tones, silence, static, and a ton of other things. It has a ton of effects:
  • Amplify: Either increase or decrease the sound of a song. Allows you to check a "Allow Clipping" box if you don't want any distortion at all.
  • Normalize: Amplifies (positively) all of the tracks, but does not allow clipping.
  • Delay: A more advanced Echo. Check the description in the program (or ask in a comment) if you want to know more.
  • Echo: Very simple Echo.
  • Compressor: basic compressor
  • Leveler: I haven't a clue.
  • Auto duck: No clue.
  • Bass Boost: Boosts the bass!
  • Low pass filter: Complicated...I dunno
  • Equalization: EQ the track.
  • High pass filter: See Low pass filter.
  • Phaser: Dunno.
  • Tremelo: Wha?
  • Wah Wah: Creates something like a wah wah pedal on a guitar...
  • Change Pitch: Changes only the sound. Like taking in helium.
  • Change Speed: Changes both Pitch and Tempo. Like playing a record player very fast.
  • Change Tempo: Changes only the tempo. As in, witha metronome, upping the beats per minute. This means the sound is the same pitch.
  • Vocoder: Codes the vo? I dunno.
  • Cross Fade In/Fade Out: ???
  • Click Removal: ???
  • Clip Fix: ???
  • Noise Removal: ???
  • Repair: ???
  • Fade In/Fade out: Very nicely fades in or out your selection.
  • Invert: ???
  • Normalize: ???
  • Vocal Remover:
And even more. As you can see, I am not the most audio knowledgable person on the earth. HOWEVER, maybe you are! If you have a good, simple explanation (or correction) to any of the effects above, send an e-mail, and I'll totally give you credit!

Anyway, I feel really stupid not knowing many of those things. But there's even more good things about it:
  • Project saving: If you want to save something, channels and all, you can save it as an AUP file, so you can open it back up and edit it, just as you left it. KEEP IN MIND, Audacity projects are HUGE compared to even a WAV of that project. In addition to the project file (example: project.aup), there is a folder created that contains the project files (example project_files).
  • Metadata editing: Yes, you can open a file, edit the metadata, and export it again.
  • MIDI viewer: You can do "File>Import>MIDI."
  • Export/Export selection: This is key. In Audacity, "Save" is for Audacity projects. "Export" is for exporting to an mp3, a WAV, and....
  • FFMPEG support: Finally! This is only in the latest Beta, but Audacity can finally import and export m4as, and other things that use FFMPEG. Just download a library, just like LAME MP3. Visit this site for more info.
  • Portable: Heck. Yes. PortableApps has made a portable version. Edit audio on the way.
A few bad things.
  • No MIDI editor: You can open and view them, but no editor.
That's all for now. Again, this program is very vast, and if you have anything you'd like to ammend to this post, send it in an e-mail (NOT in the comments, unless it's like 1 or 2 sentences) and I will give you credit.

Visit Audacity website for Download

Taskbar Shuffle: Fate has dealt a good hand.

Taskbar Shuffle is a very simple little program to bring control back to you when it comes to the taskbar. Here are a few of the ways that it does that:

-Install and forget: Just set it to startup, configure your options, and then you will almost forget about it. It doesn't need anything at all, it just runs in your tray, ready to be used. Or, if you want, you can turn off the tray icon, and it will run silently.

-Rearrange taskbar: Ah, yes, the main feature. How many times have you wished that your programs were in a different order in the taskbar? Youcould quit and restart them until you got them in ther order you wanted, or you can just drag them with Taskbar Shuffle. It works just like rearranging tabs in tabbed browsers, just drag where you want it, and let go. It also has the choice of having to hold down Control, Alt, Shift, or the Windows key if you're afraid of accidentally dragging, or no key if you want to drag quickly.

-Rearrange tray: Everything above, except with the tray. If you are extremely picky, you can drag and rearrange your tray to be in just the order you like.

-Grouping options: I don't know about you, but I never liked it when taskbar items collapsed to one button. (As a kid, one of my greatest joys was filling up the taskbar so much that everything was squished really small. Heh.) Now you can take control. In addition to turning off grouping as a whole, if you do want grouping, you can do "group tasks in order started" (the default option), "group tasks with __ number windows" (my favorite), or "group tasks, but never collapse to one button". I pick the second choice, and set the number to 99, partly for giggles, but also because if I ever have 100 windows of one app open, I wouldn't mind them collapsing into one button. But seriously, it's not a bad idea to pick a large number, like 10 or 20, so that it won't completely take over your taskbar if things get outta hand.

-Allow middle click to close: I don't use it, but you can make it where a middle click will close either an item in the taskbar, or a group.

-On/Off switch: If you get kinda tired of it but don't want to have to start it again, no worries, there's an on/off switch.

-Small: The entire install is only just under 1mb, which is most excellent. All that is required is the program, a dll, and an ini.

-Portable: Download the zip, extract to a USB drive, and you have control on the go. Is this completely practical? Maybe not. But it's good to have the option sometimes.

Visit Taskbar Shuffle (FreeWebs) site for Download

Google Chrome: From the people who brought you the best thing ever.

A few years ago, if I would have said that Google made a web browser, people would say "Yeah, in your dreams!" If you would have asked people who could give Mozilla a run for their money in the department of web browsers, Google would have come up pretty quick. Well, here we are.

Google Chrome is a web browser, but not just any web browser. Of course, it's tabbed (nothing can be considered a browser anymore if it isn't), but there's a few other nice things.

-Nice interface: Very, very different. No menu bars, very strange tab interface, but overall, very warmy and nice. Different, but nice.

-Lite: Compared to Firefox taking up usually 80+mb of RAM, Chrome is a welcome break, using usually around 30. Probably not the lightest, but still good. However....

-Different processes: This is new. With Chrome, every single tab has it's own process. This is supposed to reduce the entire thing from crashing. But to be honest, when one tab gets overloaded for me usually the whole thing is inopperable. Still, I like the fact that Google is thinking out of the box. They even include their own task manager to deal with each tab.

-Fast: Main attraction right here. Google Chrome might not have the shnazz that Firefox has, but it is FAST. At least, it was. When I first installed it on my comp, it loaded everything in half a second. But now it's kinda slowed down. It's not incredibly fast, but I'd definitely say it's faster than Firefox.....for now....

-Incognito mode: If you want to browse anonymously, just open up incognito mode, and cruise the web. Another plus to this is that you can quickly open up two different types of chrome, so if you want to open two different Gmail accounts, open one in regular Chrome, and one in incognito. At least, that's what I use it for......

-Downloads and homepage: One thing I do like, Chrome gives you the option to run an EXE, and the downloads page is pretty good. It's similar to Firefox's, except it pops up as a tab. Also, each download is shown on the bottom of the tab that it was downloaded from. And my FAVORITE part, you can make Chrome save an EXE, then click the downloading icon, and it will run it as soon as it's done. As for the homepage (or really the page that appears when you open a tab), it's a simple page that shows your most recent bookmarks, most popular pages (including screenshot), your recently closed tabs, and your searches. Not bad, Google, not bad at all.

-URL bar searching: I do like that -just like Firefox- you can make search engines linked to a tag, so that in the URL bar, you type "g I love Freeware", and it will bring up Google's results for "I love Freeware." However, what I kinda like about Chrome is that when you type a keyword, like "g", it will replace that keyword with "Search (Search Engine):" That way, you can be remembered what your keywords are, and if you forgot what your keyword for the thesaurus is, you aren't searching for nothing.

-Pop-out tabs: A very nice feature that I've always dreamed of in Firefox is the ability to pop-out/in tabs. Because each tab is a separate process, they don't have to stay in one window. Now, in Firefox, you can grab a tag, and drag it to another window of Firefox, but then the page has to reload. With chrome, however, you can grab a tab, drag it to another window, or even just create a new window of its own, and the page will not reload. That means that if you're watching a streaming video (let's say, Hulu, for example), and you want to combine your tabs to one window, you don't have to be afraid of reloading the tabs, and thus having to start your video over. To put it short, it's a very nice feature.

-Portable: Not officially, but some Dutch dude totally rocked and made aportable version of Chrome. Very, very cool, as I find portable Firefox to be a bit heavy at times

But there are a few things I don't like as much.

-Unreliable Java: Something I've noticed since making Chrome my main browser on one of my PCs is that it doesn't exactly do everything right. One example would be Java. Chrome flickers a ton whenever you have a Java applet in a window. Also, it doesn't work in alot of things like Google products. One prime example is here on blogger when making a post. In Firefox, when I put an image into a post, I can just click on the image, cut, then paste it somewhere else. In Chrome, you have to go into the HTML and cut/paste it somewhere else in the code. Chrome also has problems in the "Edit Posts" section when you click the arrow to expand the post. It has problems in Google Reader also. It just doesn't work perfectly in everything, which can be extremely annoying.

-Tab "independency": I know that Chrome boasts the whole if-one-tab-crashes-the-others-are-unaffected, but I just don't see it. Every time one of my tabs becomes slow or freezes, the others follow suit, even if it just losing the ability to scroll. It's a very nice idea, but I just don't see it in action most of the time I use Chrome.

-Not customizable: Again, it's built for speed, but it's really not all....period. A little skinning would be nice, eventually.....

Overall, it's a great browser. But to be honest, currently, at version, I'd say that in my opinion, it's a secondary browser at best. I love that I don't have to wait for Firefox to start up and all, but I just cannot stand being without any customization. But still, if you want something lite, give it a try. To each his own, and to many people, Chrome is their own.

Visit Google Chrome site for Download

Unlocker: it's like the anti-Microsoft.

So you're crusing along, fluidly flying from one task to another, but then suddenly "Cannot delete folder, in use by another process." Wha? Bah! Unlocker to the rescue!

Unlocker basically unlocks. It sits running in your tray, waiting to spring into action. When you attempt to delete a file, move a file, or eject a drive and it fails because it is in use by some process, Unlocker springs into action. It pops up a window showing all of the processes that are currently using whatever is trying to be deleted/moved/ejected. Then you can click through the processes and click "unlock", or just hit "unlock all," and wham, now the folder/file/drive can be deleted/moved/ejected.

Sometimes windows gives you an error when nothing is wrong, at least according to Unlocker. In this case, a window pops up that says "No handles found" and you have the choice of deleting, moving, or renaming whatever is supposedly messed up.

The last thing I like would be the shell context. Unlocker installs an option in the explorer context menu, so that something doesn't have to be wrong for you to unlock something. Just right click your desired file/folder, and click Unlocker, and you have all of the functionality mentionedd above, but you don't ahve to try to delete/move/rename something to see if it is being used.

Probably my favorite thing about Unlocker is that it actually saves Explorer. I've noticed that alot of times, if something is being used and there are no obvious program that could be using it, explorer.exe can sometimes be using it, I dunno I have to end it, delete/move/rename the file, and start it again. Unlocker saves it.

There is a program, though, that runs all the time, called "Unlocker Assistant." At the moment, it's consuming 1.8mb of RAM for me. You don't necessarily have to add Unlocker to startup, but if you don't, you'll have to manually navigate to the file/folder and unlock it rather than have a window pop-up when there is an error.

Also, Unlocker is portable (at least I believe.) I mean, I don't know if the Unlocker Assistant is portable, but I am fairly sure that you can just drag anything (folders, files, drives, etc) onto Unlocker.exe, and it will perform just like normal. I don't understand why it would write to the registry, but I'm fairly confident that it's portable.

Let me put it this way: on my personal PC, I try to keep the programs installed to a bare minimum, and Unlocker is one of those programs.

Visit Unlocker website for Download

Tweak UI: Microsoft made something......good???

Wait, let me get this straight, MICROSOFT actually made this?

Usually, if I hear that Microsoft released a program, I turn off my internet and hide down in a cellar with all my computers for a few days, just to be safe. But then I stumbled across TweakUI. Mind you, when I installed it, I didn't know Microsoft was the one who made it, but I was impressed.

TweakUI essentially provides an easy interface for you to make tweaks to your system, so you can get it how you like it. I'm fairly sure that you can do everything inside of TweakUI elsewhere on the computer, but it makes it aheck of alot easier. Basically, it has alot of "tweaks" that are small edits to Windows. Also, it's really nice because TweakUI does tweaks that paid programs do, except for free. I used X-Setup Pro, which is shareware (which isn't bad since really, you only have to tweak once), and I found that TweakUI does all that I want.

If you want a detailed explanation of every tweak, TweakUI provides a brief description that usually suffices. Also, this is kind of a tool that you need to know what you want when you start it. There's no dire consequences if you click something and then change your mind, but it helps alot if you know what is what.

To be honest, it's very hard to describe this program, because it has so much. Other than listing every single tweak, there's no real easy way to do it. So here's a few of the tweaks that I love:

Remove prefix "Shortcut to" - I never really liked this, so I love that you can make it automatically remove "Shortcut to" to new shortcuts.

Start Menu frequent programs - The start menu picks programs that you've used recently, but some that it choose, you may not want, so you can go through and uncheck programs that you never want to show up there.

Taskbar grouping - If you don't use a program like Taskbar Shuffle, then you can make it where Windows will never collapse programs in the taskbar to one button.

First Icon on desktop - You can choose what you want to show up first, "My Documents" or "My Computer." I don't use desktop icons on this computer, but if I did, I would make sure to pick my preference.

Drive Letter Location - You can make the drive letter come before, after, different between network drives and local drives, or none at all.

Templates - One of my favorites, when you right click in a folder and go to "New," there's a list of file types. I never liked those file types. Who does "New > Audio file"? It lets you delete, create, and edit these entries.

Rebuild Icons - If your icon seems to be messed up, such as Explorer using the wrong icon for something, then use this.

That's just a few of the things. There are alot more, and if you want to see them, again, download the program. It really is handy, even if you install it, tweak, and uninstall. There is ONE downside that I've found so far....and it is Microsoft-related.

-Installs to system32: Of course, Microsoft can never just make a program that does not intertwine itself with the system. TweakUI -and all XP Powertoys, I believe- install to system folders. You can still uninstall it, but I just never like putting more stuff in system folders than I need to.

However, according to Portable Freeware, TweakUI is indeed portable. Unfortunately enough, though, Universal extractor does not work, so you have to install, copy, then uninstall. Or, you can download it right here. I'll try to keep it up as long as I can, but if a ton of people download it, I'll have to take it down...I'm just using a free service.

Visit TweakUI site (Microsoft XP Powertoys) website for download

uTorrent: It's a bittorrent for u...I mean you....

If you don't know whaat "bittorrent" is, it's basically letting other people download files that are on your comptuer, so that people do not have to host them on and use space. If you don't know what uTorrent is, it's a program that makes bittorrent easy.

uTorrent is probably the most popular bittorrent client in existance. Here's some of the reasons:

-Tiny tiny tiny: Ok, it's one executable, and it's 263kb. That's about as small as you can get.

-Light on resources: right now, I am seeding one active torrent, and it's only at 2mb of RAM. That's really light.

-Easy for the simple, but complicated enough for intermediate/advance: It practically runs itself with very little configuration, but then if you are more used to torrents, there are plenty of advanced options to supply your every need.

-Frequent updates: The developers are always working hard to make uTorrent better, and it shows.

-Portable: Again, it's one executable, but the neatest thing is that the uTorrent EXE is the installer. You run it, and it asks "Would you like to install?" and you can click "Yes", or "No." So this means that when you carrry it around on your flash drive, you not only have the program, but the installer as well, if you're friend decides he/she wants uTorrent. But anyway, it is indeed portable,

-Skinnable: Not required, but pretty nice. It's very very easy to skin, just go to uTorrent's site and browse the skins, then download, and extract to a certain directory (check uTorrent's site for details.)

That's just the main good stuff. There's even more like multiple simultaneous downloads, smart bandwidth uses, and even RSS downloading. Over the years, I've been really pissed at uTorrent because AVG 8 was interferring, but I switched to AVG 7.5 and it works fine. I don't really see the need for anything beyond uTorrent (even though I'm not a big torrenter). It's small, fast, feature-rich, everything.

*I did make the icon at the top based on the program's icon, so if you use it somewhere else, please let me know....and give credit where credit is due. :-)

Visit uTorrent website for download

Mini Explorer: Aptly named.

Mini Explorer is a the very tiny brother of Windows explorer, except this tiny browser is faster, leaner, and all around put together better. It might not have tabs like other shells, but it offers its own unique style to the explorer community.

-T&P: 400kb minimum to run, and has an INI file, meaning that Mini Explorer takes it up a notch.

-Freakin, freakin fast: Some may argue that it is fast, but I'd say heck yes it is! For me, explorer windows don't always open up instantly. ME (I'm lazy, I'm abbreviating) does. And I don't exaggerate much when I say "instantly." Explorer (at least for me) has a hard times sometimes when opening huge folders like Program files, but ME doesn't seem to. It takes a very simplistic approach.

-Explorer-like: I have it and Windows explorer side by side right now, and they're alot alike, in terms of features. ME has "New Folder," "New File," (which WE doesn't have (man, I am lazy, aren't I?)) cut, copy, paste, view from large icons, small icons, list or details, up one level, sort by, and refresh. True, WE has alot more options, but ME has all that I need, at least.

-Different icons!: This made me chuckle to myself when I first found it: ME is so small, but it comes with 5 icon options. Windows 98, XP, Vista, and even two linux distro files. And all you do is go to File > Options to change it. (It's the only thing in that options menu, besides "View hidden folders.") I don't know if you can make more, but I do know that you can delete ones that you don't want, if you need to save disc space (it's like 500kb extra....). It has Windows 95 built in, so that's always good.

So despite all of the goodness above, there are two main things that I find "meh"ish about ME. But it's really only one...I'll explain below:

-No address bar: I like to type on the fly, but ME doesn't have it. Oh well. Not too bad if you keep it hidden anyway.

-No search: Yes, ME does not have a search function, HOWEVER, the developer recently (December '08) fused ME and another of his programs Snowbird (a search utility), so now it really might be a replacement for explorer, search and all. I haven't looked into it. I actually just figured out about it today.

So technically, Mini Explorer 2.0 is not the latest version, kinda. But I put it up here because, it truth, it and the newest Snowbird are different programs, and maybe someone wants just an explorer. To be honest, I haven't transfered from Windows Explorer, but I want to some day....old habits die hard, I suppose.

Visit Mini Explorer (Madhaven's) website for download

LAN Messenger: A great IM client...for LAN!

LAN Messenger is a very simple program that essentially acts as an IM client on a LAN connection. That means that it cannot connect to the internet, but there's already a ton of great IM clients for the internet, and this is the first LAN IM program I've seen, and it's good. So a few good things about it:

-T&P: Tiny and Portable. Weighing in at 460kb, LAN Messenger is very light, meaning you can take it wherever you want. Also, it has it's own INI file (which is actually only five lines), which means that it really is portable!

-Plenty of features: Here's the main features:
-Name: You can give yourself your own name, and edit it at any time.
-Avatar: You can pick from the 10 icons that it comes with (which actually aren't that bad) or even pick your own.
-Status: You can set your own status by typing it in or select just "Available" or "Busy,"
-Private and public chat: Private is one on one, public is basically a group chat that everyone can see.
-Buzzing: Like in some IM clients, you can "buzz" another person.
-Ignore: You can choose to ignore someone (which assume is by IP, since names can be changed).
-Save: You can save chats to TXT files.
-Minimize to tray: Self explanatory.

That's all of the features. It's actually very feature filled, for just talking over a network. My favorite part about it is.....

-Looks nice: The most shocking thing that I found to this program would be the looks. The icons, the interface, and everything is so simple, but nice looking!

There are a few catches though:

-Both people must have the program: Should go without saying, but everyone who wants to chat needs the program. Both people need a phone to talk, and it's no different here. Not a problem at all if both people have a flash drive, and you plan ahead of time.

-Beta: Though I can't see why, the author has decided to put v1.2 as a beta. To me, it seems stable enough, and has more than enough features, but it is beta, so just know that.

The author of LAN Messenger (Madhavan) took it down from his website... Yay! It's back up!
Visit LAN Messenger (Madhavan's) website for download

PS - click HERE for a screenshot of LAN Messenger, since it was requested.

Monday 17 February 2014

Adobe Reader Version XI (11.0.06)

Adobe Reader Version XI (11.0.06)
Adobe Reader XI/Volume distribution
Distribute free Adobe Reader in volume.
Free Adobe® Reader® software is available for volume distribution beyond a single-user installation. A Reader Distribution Agreement is required for:
  • Corporations and organizations that want to distribute Adobe Reader on a company intranet site or local network
  • Commercial vendors that want to bundle Adobe Reader on physical media such as a CD or DVD or on OEM hardware such as computers, mobile devices, and scanners
Individuals interested in the software for personal use can download free Adobe Reader from the Adobe website without a Distribution Agreement.

Adobe Reader Version XI (11.0.06)
  • 1.3GHz or faster processor
  • Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 3 for 32 bit or Service Pack 2 for 64 bit; Windows Server® 2003 R2 (32 bit and 64 bit); Windows Server 2008 or 2008 R2 (32 bit and 64 bit); Windows 7 (32 bit and 64 bit); Windows 8 or 8.1 (32 bit and 64 bit)
  • 256MB of RAM (512MB recommended)
  • 320MB of available hard-disk space
  • 1024x768 screen resolution
  • Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11; Firefox Extended Support Release; Chrome

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McAfee AntiVirus Plus 2010 does not only remove adware, viruses and spyware. It can also block programs which are specifically designed to slow down your computer. Aside from it, you can monitor the status of your protection and identify the number of threats that are blocked.
You don’t have to wait longer for the regular arrival of updates. There is also improved system of product alerts. This system is reconfigured to deliver the most crucial and less intrusive alerts.
Bring out the fastest performance from your PC with McAfee AntiVirus Plus 2010. It has all the simplified security functions while delivering essential protection.

McAfee Anti Virus Plus

Free USB Disk Security

USB Disk SecurityFree USB Disk Security is a small, free app that claims to keep your pendrives and USB disks safe and secure.
On first looks, it's a decent app. The interface is simple and clean, although we found it annoying that although the app creates a shortcut icon for you, you can't actually access Free USB Disk Security with it - you need to click on the Free USB Disk Security icon in the notification area in the taskbar to see its options and open the main interface.


Free USB Disk Security
Free USB Disk Security claims to offer two main USB tools - a shield, to protect you from incoming threats, and a scan, to scan pendrives once they are inserted. From the main interface, you'll also see an option to repair your system (which are just a selection of basic tools already provided by Windows). The home button provides an overview of the app's services.
In theory, Free USB Disk Security is a great idea and an excellent free tool, but in reality it's very, very difficult to tell if it's doing anything useful. When we did scan, it was extremely quick - to the extent that we weren't sure if it had even scanned. As for the monitoring, Free USB Disk Security claims the protection is real time, but when we inserted a USB stick, it didn't even tell us it had registered the event.
Free USB Disk Security looks good, but it's so hard to tell if it's doing anything useful, we'd prefer to rely on a standard antivirus program instead.

KTS SalesMate + 3.0.9

Introducing the KTS SalesMate +, a point-of-sale (POS) software developed by SalesMate+. It helps its users to handle everyday sales and other financial activities. It is the ultimate, inexpensive POS software especially designed for wholesale shops, single store retailers, small-scale businesses, and independent sellers.
The KTS SalesMate + enables its users to automate processing of sales or service transactions from beginning to end. It can also track customer data and maintain their detailed purchasing history. It can also generate reports for all sales, services, and purchases. It also features a Setup wizard to customize the software, an inventory management tool to track stocks, and a tax management tool to track accounts and payables.
The KTS SalesMate + can also be integrated with other POS system and third-party plug-ins. It also has a backup tool to store important files. Its Starter Edition is free.

Adobe Reader 11.0.04

      Adobe is a household name that rimes with Utilities PDF. The fast download of Adobe Reader results in having access to a reliable platform where PDF files can be read for free on most Windows machines.
In the default download, it is very small and can do nothing much but to read PDFs. Other very basic functions for zooming in and out or sharing documents with others are still available with Adobe Reader. This default character gives many users a chance to check whether they would like the style of Adobe Reader. 

Sacrifice reading speed for fast system
The ability to have a PDF reader do much more is very limited in many cases. Regarding Adobe Reader, the developers offered a set of free plugins that can help improve the functions of the reader. The most distinctive one is the ability to add comments to a section much like in PDF OCX. The share tool, which was introduced in previous versions of this program, seems to have been left untouched.
The security concerns of loading PDF documents is intelligently addressed by it. Thus, one can chose to have a PDF loaded in a separate section independently from the system's memory. You bet PDF Creator has nothing similar.
The fact that Adobe has released a free software with so many impressive features should be taken advantage of. In such a worry-free environment where PDF files can be loaded securely, Adobe Reader strives to do a much better job than many of its competitors. This software is not loaded with many extensions that some users might not like. Instead, everyone has the option to select and download the needed extensions.

Foxit PDF Reader 6

Foxit PDF Reader 6Foxit PDF Reader is a small PDF file reader for the Windows platform, its main feature is it consumes almost no resources.
Foxit PDF Reader is a real alternative to all other more robust PDF readers. Foxit PDF Reader uses very little resources from the system, is very lightweight, completely portable, very fast and allows for the same functions that the majority of available PDF readers currently in the market.
Foxit PDF Reader is innovative, has features never seen before in conventional PDF readers, one example is the built-in option to convert PDF documents to plain text for posterior edition.
Main Features:
- Small and flexible: the programme is about 2 MB in size and is completely portable
- Speed: opens documents instantly, no delays
- Annotations: the programme allows to make annotations in PDF files
- Text conversion: Converts PDF files to plain text in a simple step
- Minimising of tray icons
- Text selection
- Ease of use

Foxit PDF Reader 6

Coaching Institute Management Software

Coaching Institute Management Software
The software helps manage student, teacher, courses, batches, fees, attendance, and marks. Provides easy reports like outstanding fees, marks, attendance etc. This is a must have software for all coaching institutes. For quite some time we have been asked by several institutes to develop software that focuses on coaching institute requirements.CIMS is developed after collecting requirements from several institutes in different fields. The product is very easy to use and considers that most operators are not technology savvy people or typical geeks. The software guarantees saving of money and time for owners apart from organizing the institute information. You can streamline the coaching institute business. Over 35 reports available.
Complete Institute Management.
Very easy to use, easy installation, free training, 30 Days money back guarantee. Customization possible. Free Support. Update available.
Over 35 reports. Possible to use in LAN.
Educational Institute. Tutorials. Classes. Schools & Colleges.